Nehemiah Development Company’s faith-driven purpose is to build redemptive community by renewing and restoring the physical, relational, and spiritual aspects of community that God desires and intended for us to dwell in.

The king asked me, “Why does your face look so sad when you aren’t ill?” I was afraid but said “Why should my face not look sad when the city where my ancestors are buried lies in ruins, and its gates have been destroyed by fire?
— Nehemiah 2:2-3
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When Nehemiah learned that the walls of his hometown (Jerusalem) were ruined, his heart was moved to do something about it. There had been some limited success in rebuilding areas of the city, but the wall and a substantial portion of the city was in desperate need of restoration. Nehemiah recognized and accepted his calling, with the king’s blessing, to renew and restore the broken walls of his community.

We are not afraid to tackle the hard projects. The one’s where obstacles and challenges keep others from going, yet deep down inside, you know it’s the right thing to do. Nehemiah met challenges, too. Rebuilding the walls was not easy. So much resistance was thrown his way. But, meticulous planning, coordination, collaboration and strong partnerships that were forged helped Nehemiah and the community overcome the obstacles. That is the same approach we take to each and every project and community we are blessed to work in.